
Australia's Remarkable Trees - New Edition

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Author: Richard Allen and Kimbal Baker
Product Id
Dimensions (cm):  27.1 H x 23.4 W 
Pages: 272

A single Huon Pine on the slopes of Mount Read in Western Tasmania has been growing for at least 1000 years.

Crowned the giant of the Eucalypt family, many of Australia's Mountain Ash stand as tall as a 30 - storey skyscraper. Australia has five of the top ten tallest trees in the world.

The discovery in 1994 of a small stand of Wollemi Pines that have been regenerating for millions of years - survivingbushfires and at least 17 Ice Ages - promted Professor Carrick Chambers, Director of Sydney's Botanic Gardens, to announce that it was the 'equivalent of finding a small dinosaur alive on Earth'.

Australia's Remarkable Trees explores the extraordinary lives of fifty of Australia's oldest, largest and most unusual trees. Richly illustrated with more than 500 photographs, writer Richard Allen and photographer Kimbal Baker went to the far reaches of Australia - travelling more than 60,000 kilometres - to photograph them and tell their stories.