Butchering - Poultry, Rabbit, Lamb, Goat, Pork: The Comprehensive Photographic Guide to Humane Slaughtering and Butchering
Author: Adam Danforth
Publisher: Peribo
Format: Soft Cover
ISBN: 9781612121826
Product Id: 5688
Dimensions (cm): 27.8 H x 21.9 W
Pages: 456
Quality Meat from Poultry, Rabbits, Sheep, Goats and Pigs with Adam Danforth's comprehensive manual, you can learn the skills necessary to humanely slaughter & butcher, calmly & efficiently from pasture to freezer. Every step of the slaughtering process - from selecting the proper equipment to preparing, stunning & bleeding the animals - is presented with careful consideration for the animal's well being and your safety.
Butcher the carcass to maximize food yield and get the cuts you want. With various options for each species and hundreds of step-by-step photographs that put you at the butchers table to observe the art of cutting and boning, trimming fat and connective tissue, and rolling and typing.
Scrupulous attention to sanitation and detailed instructions for packaging and freezing your meat for the best quality, appearance, and freshness to ensure that the animals you process will nourish and satisfy everyone they feed.