People of the River - Lost worlds of early Australia
Author: Grace Karskens
Publisher: Allen & Unwin
Format: Softback
ISBN: 9781760292232
Product Id: 6262
Dimensions (cm): 23.0 H x 17.0
Pages: 688
Dyarubbin, the Hawkesbury-Nepean River, is where the two early Australias - ancient and modern - first collided. People of the River journeys into the lost worlds of the Aboriginal people and the settlers of Dyarubbin, both complex worlds with ancient roots.
The settlers who took land on the river from the mid-1790s were there because of an extraordinary experiment devised half a world away. Modern Australia was not founded as a gaol, as we usually suppose, but as a colony. Britain's felons, transported to the other side of the world, were meant to become settlers in the new colony. They made history...